Christmas Season
Christmas is the time of year where we look at keeping our pets safe from over indulging on Christmas fare and we can make healthier choices when it comes to a present under the Christmas tree for your dog, cat or bird. There are fun cat toys available and environmental enrichment treat balls, puzzle balls for your dogs that will keep them occupied and active. I have listed some food items that need to be avoided at this time of year and raising the issue of heat stress during the holiday season.
Heat stroke: Can really be a problem, remember to walk your dog in the cooler mornings or evenings. Don’t over exercise your dog out in the heat of the day they will want to please you and can keep going until they are suffering from heat exhaustion. Make sure that there is plenty of fresh clean water available for you pet during these hot summer days, add some ice cubes and if you are going to the park take some water with you for them. There are some new products available that help keep your pet cool in the heat. Evaporative cooling mats that you soak in water and they provide a cool resting place that can last up to 5-6 hours. Also available are cooling coats/jackets that you soak in water and put on your dog to keep them cool.

Food Treats: Keep in mind that your pet should not be fed cooked bones of any size, cooking does change the bones structure making them more likely to splinter and cause damage to the tummy and gut lining.
Left Overs: Another one to remember do not use you pet as a rubbish bin, we all hate waste but if the leftover ham or turkey is not good enough for the family to eat, it is not good enough for your pet. The same can be said for the fatty bits of ham you cut off. They should be thrown out not given to your pet as a treat. Large amounts of fat may cause pancreatitis which is a painful, debilitating disease that starts with vomiting inappetence and lethargy and you must then see your VET. Remember too much fat can trigger the symptoms.
Chocolate: We can’t talk about the festive season without talking about chocolate poisoning. It can cause real damage to your pet affecting the gastro intestinal tract, central nervous and cardio-vascular systems. The clinical symptoms can occur within 6-8 hours of chocolate ingestion and can cause sudden death so remember the signs are vomiting, diarrhoea, thirst and agitation, urinary incontinence and seizures.
Treat your pet at Christmas by getting them a toy a cat or doggy treat they will enjoy it more and it is better for them.
Take the time to use the holidays for extra walking with your pet.