Tick Season
At the time of year when the temperature is warming up and spring is here we all need to think about the dangers that TICKS present to our pets. The paralysis tick is found along the eastern seaboard from north Queensland down through NSW and into northern Victoria. They are not always restricted to the coast line but in the right conditions and with the right habitat they can be found more inland usually along waterways.
The bandicoot is the natural host of the paralysis tick but they can also be found on animals that live in or near scrub. That includes some marsupials, birds and reptiles. The problem for pet owners is when the ticks attach to your pets. The tick sucks the blood from the animal and at the same time secretes its saliva that contains neurotoxins which are absorbed into your pets system and causes signs of tick paralysis.
Our leafy suburbs mean that this area is a high risk area for the paralysis tick and the symptoms to watch out for include:

- Loss of co-ordination or wobbly hind legs that progresses to front limbs and your pet can have difficulty standing or walking.
- Change in bark
- Coughing or dry retching
- Loss of appetite
Remember it is really important to go over your pet everyday searching for ticks.
If your pet shows symptoms of tick paralysis or you find a tick keep your pet calm and comfortable. Do not give them food or water and talk to your VET. Your vet will kill and remove the tick and give your pet a tick anti- toxin and supportive treatment for respiratory complications and your pet may need hospitalisation until recovered fully.
Prevention really is better than cure and to protect your pet talk to your VET about the best preventative product for your pet’s circumstances, the options include a tick rinse, topical liquid on the back of the neck at the tick dose which is every 2 weeks, tick collars and sprays.